Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rollerball is.....ummmm.....

I watched Rollerball last night. Interesting film combining roller skates and motorcycles on the same platform. How can that combo not end well? It almost had the makings of a classic like Soylent Green but missed out because it didn't ever present the point of why the game of Rollerball should have no rules. There's no "Soylent green is people!" moment. Instead, it's just a bunch of "Ooooooh, corporations run the world and they're bad" stuff. Maybe they should have combined tether ball and archery, or fly fishing and water polo, or skeet shooting and pole vaulting.

I'm in an unreasonably good mood this morning. I think it's due to the new froo froo drink at Starbucks that I tried. The Mint Mocha Chip Frappuchino. It's supposed to have chocolate whipped cream on top but the barista forgot and put the regular stuff on instead. She asked if I wanted her to scrape it off and put the chocolate on instead and I said it wouldn't really matter because it's all sugar anyways. The drink is more like eating ice cream for breakfast. Peppermint Bon Bon ice cream. Mmmmmm.

I keep forgetting that this weekend is a long one. That means that I won't suffer Monday morning after staying up late from IAGG the night before. I may get home around 10:30ish but I'm usually a little wired and unable to fall asleep until around midnight. Getting up at 5:15 is tough after that although it's a little easier at this time of year when it gets light so early. I like it during the week but hate it on the weekends when I want to sleep in. There's just no pleasing me.

A little warning as we go into this holiday weekend: don't go swimming up north; the water is only -20 degrees and you'll freeze your feet clean off. Really. They'll just snap off like a piece of peanut brittle. You can't afford to drive up north anyways so just fill the kiddie pool in your backyard with hot water from the kitchen sink and have a steam bath.

I'm off to my departmental meeting to see what mischief we can get into at the University's expense.


Penn said...

In the film Rollerball, the rules were gradually done away with in the hope that Jonathon E. would be killed during a game. The corporate powers felt that he was becoming more important in the eyes of the masses than the bread and circus distraction of Rollerball itself. Jonathon's rising global superstar status coincided with his burgeoning realization of the distopic society in which he was a pawn. He was a threat to the order, a loose canon, and could not be allowed to continue. So, it was thought that by doing away with the rules of the game, the problem of Jonathon E. would take care of itself. That backfired however, when he survived his virtual assignation attempt and acheived God-like status.
It's basically a stupid societal fairy tale with great production values. John Houseman is the perfect corporate scary elitest. But, I just realized that you may not have watched the 70's version. The remake was total crap.

Peggy Larson said...

Yes I watched the 70's version and was a bit giggly during the scene where Johnathon goes in to see who ever John Houseman was playing and he's surrounded by chimes made from little glass pieces. It reminded me of an AbFab episode.

Nice synposis. I felt that very little of that text was protrayed well on the screen. I still want to combine archery and tether ball.