Thursday, May 1, 2008


It seems that in this slowing economy, part time jobs are getting a bit hard to come by. That and those pesky little students are hogging all of the front-end jobs. I may have to resort to creative marketing to make my application stand out which then may make me resort to memorable interview techniques which will then make me question how much my credit card debt really bothers me.

It's getting to be graduation time around here. This means an increased volume in people's indoor voices and an increase in sloughing off on Northrup mall. Crossing that mall area can also be quite dangerous. Make sure you look out for flying frisbee's, hackys, books, hippies, and sidewalk preachers. Students get a little punchy when they get close to the end.

I'm taking a belly dance workshop this weekend where five extremely talented dancers will teach me how to do all sorts of cool things. I hope I'll be able to see well from my spot in the back row where I'll be camped out due to a slightly lowered level of self-esteem within a room of so many talented people but at least I'll learn something, right?

Here's a video of one of the instructors....she'll be teaching drum solo's....if I can do this at the end of the weekend my plans for total world domination will be complete.


Nikki said...

Have fun at the will be great. Just shake it baby!

Peggy Larson said...
