Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Odds and Ends

BOATS! I want to go boating. I want to sit on the platform end of a pontoon and cruise up and down the St. Croix. Anyone want to rent one with me? Anyone know how to steer one? I know how to sit in one and how to dive off of one but I'm not so sure about the maneuvering of one.

There's a huge, I mean HUGE, white tend set up in the middle of Northrup mall. It's actually one huge tent with a number of smaller tents under it to give it the feeling that there's many small rooms within the tent. I have no idea why it's there. It reminds me of that episode of the X-Files where the guy puts a tent around single women's houses and gases them and then impregnates them. I think I'm going to walk down to Washington Ave. to avoid the impregnation tent...just in case.

I'd like to take a moment to pimp a few things. First, Leslie Kennedy is also holding her summer session belly dance classes now and her stuff is here. She's a wonderful teacher. I can't say enough good things about her. Rather than teaching one whole choreography, she's having special topics classes all summer so check out the class schedule. Next, Don Preston's They_Fight stage combat school is having summer classes on Sunday mornings and here's the schedule. I'd love to take the broadsword stuff right now but I'm finding out that broadsword techniques are a little too different from the small sword I'll be using at fest and I don't want to confuse my little mind anymore than it already is. Rapier in July could be a good one though.

Speaking of weapons and blood baths, there will be one this Friday night which I'm planning on witnessing. PunchOut! at the BNW will have Five Man Job is going against Ferrari McSpeedy. Remember how I previously said that I wish there wasn't a loser and that the second-place winners should get cookies? Yeah, well, not anymore. I want to see blood and plenty of it. I don't care whose it is, I just want it to splatter the walls and make the floor slippery. Maybe some chunks of hair in there too, or maybe an earlobe. It'll be great. I want a finger lost for every dollar I pay. Again, I don't care who loses digits as long as they're lost. I suddenly have a craving for roast beef. Undercooked roast beef.


Nikki said...

I think there should be a "Belly Boat". Belly dance as we cruise down (or around). Mabye a Belly Pontoon. Just the right amounts of dance, and danger of falling overboard. Kennedy could teach a class, "Shake in the Wake."

Peggy Larson said...

Excellent. There could be a board to see who falls in first. We could say it's a fundraiser for orphans so that it's socially acceptable.