Thursday, May 8, 2008

Brat Anyone?

My, isn't this a nice morning? I bet it's going to be a nice day too. It sure would be a nice day to go to a ball game. Maybe like a Saints game or something, don't you think? I think it would be a great day for that. In fact, I'd have a brat for breakfast if they were readily available. What's the difference between a Polish sausage and a brat anyway? I bet I wouldn't be able to tell. If you gave me a taste test with the two side by side I wouldn't detect a difference. You could get those two side by side at a ball game. You sure would be lucky if you knew someone with tickets, oh say, somewhere in the reserved section kind of close to the third base BBQ stand. The good thing about brats is that you can find them just about anywhere but especially at a ball game. You'd probably want to get there early since parking is a bitch and you could kill time by deeply analyzing the paintings all over the concrete, or you could go find the pig, or get a massage by a nun, or perhaps conduct the above-mentioned taste test. Even if the impossible happened and you decided you didn't like the person you were with, you'd still have a good time because of the multitude of things to do. It's a no-lose situation, unless you park in a no-parking zone and get towed so watch those signs.

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