Friday, May 23, 2008

Did you hear......

Before I even got to my office door this morning, I was bombarded with the newest rumors about the work environment. It's none too favorable. Why listen to rumors instead of getting the correct information from the source? Because "the source" cannot be identified and even if it could, it wouldn't give any concrete information. See, we're not really sure who's in charge now and we're not really sure what that's going to mean for anyone's jobs. All we know is that major cuts will be taking place but we don't know who or when. Good thing I didn't make any big financial moves like investing in that time share down in Florida yet.

The energy is slowly being sucked out of me due to the online training courses I have to complete today. Well, that and the whole "where am I going to work next month" thing. I was going to go kayaking tomorrow but I forgot about a fight practice I have at 11am so instead, I'll swing a sword around for awhile and then clean the bathroom. Maybe afterwords I'll take some meat out of the freezer and do something creative with it. I mean in a culinary sense.

I need food now. I have no creativity today so maybe a nice cheeseburger from MacDonalds will solve everything.

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