Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ah, Monday morning.....wait!

Interesting goings on in the neighborhood. After Kevin the neighbor departed this earth, one of his relatives has been hole up day and night with the stereo blasting and I swear I smelled a familiar, herby-type of scent this morning when leaving the house. I think this colder air some how amplified the scent. Funny how this person never visited while Kevin was alive. I haven't seen anyone looking at the house either (it's been up for sale since April) but I'm still hoping a deaf mute will buy it for $200K. Well okay, they can talk as long as they only say what I want them to say and the volume I want them to say it.

There's a beautiful white giant poodle across the street who lost a front leg in a car accident last week. He goes for a morning hop down to the corner with the help of a harness that the owner wraps around his stomach. It's like a cinch contraption that is used to haul horses and elephants on to ships. His tale is still waging so hopefully he'll be fine.

The fight scene is coming along swimmingly. It looks as if I'll get to use TWO weapons; a small sword and a cudgel, both of which will be used against me to shut my lippy mouth.

It has come to my attention that a previous post may have created undue concern on the behalf of others so allow me to explain a bit more.

You know how one bad experience can become obsessive and then snowball and then exaggerate the importance of other things that would normally not be a big deal? I have a tendency to do that. If I'm not happy with how things that I have some control over are going because they're different than I pictured, imagined or always dreamed they would be, then I get stuck in this spiral which ends when I suddenly remember the one thing I have no control over; the fact that my brother is dead and there's nothing to be done about that. That's like the anvil that always falls on Wile E. Coyote when he gets too carried away. When I reach that point, I can re-prioritize, analyze things more clearly, and come up with another plan. It's the point at which I go back to the drawing board or the ACME catalog and plan my next caper.

With my tendency to go all kiddywampus, it's fortunate that I have an anvil in my life to help me re-set. I've known other people who spiral like I do but they have nothing to stop them, they don't have something that reminds them of their choices.

If my job makes me miserable, I can choose to leave it and get another. I don't want to. Looking for a job is a monstrous pain in the ass. If I'm upset by blaring music, I could choose to move but I'll definitely lose on that investment plus eventually someone will have to pay the power bill over there which may put an end to it.

The world is full of choices and even if I don't like the choice that is made when I'm involved with one or more people, I can just hang out and pretty soon there will be another choice to make, like which color to paint my toe nails.

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