Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cavellaria Rusticana Intermezzo

Not that I especially want to harp on a horrible story, but that hunting accident in Belle Plaine where the father shot his son, man what a horrible story. The Fox9 news flashed a bit of the video from that scene and I caught a quick glimpse of a sheriff throwing a duffel bag at a truck. Rather than putting the duffel bag in the truck to be transported away, or even tossing it underhanded hoping it would land inside the truck, he threw it hard at the backend and it kind of fell to the ground. You could tell that he was angry. That must have been a horrible scene to be at. The law enforcement on the scene most likely would have been hunters themselves because if you live in or near Belle Plaine, that's pretty much what you do if your not eating or sleeping. After hearing the story, they were probably starting to form some opinions on how it could have been avoided. I have no idea if you ever can really get used to seeing dead bodies but I think the little dead bodies are the toughest to deal with.

One of my friend's brother, Brian is a MN State Highway Patrol. He's always been a Clint Eastwood-type of person; doesn't ever really smile or laugh, is very serious about what he's doing, nothing will get through his tough exterior, etc. etc. There was one particular highway accident where the car was on fire. They pulled the driver out, who was already dead, and as they were putting the fire out they saw that the baby was still in the car crunched under the front dashboard. They had no idea he was there. There was no one alive that could have told them he was there and he probably died on impact anyway but it was still a huge shock to see him there. That's been the only time in almost ten years that Brian cracked. He called his mom and talked for hours after that one.

I know a guy who shot his son in a hunting accident. It happened many years ago and I don't know the details. You may expect that he would be this crumpled up shell of a person but that's not how he is. He smiles all the time and laughs at everything, really loudly. He drinks all the time but he's not a fall-down, mean drunk; it just makes him tell more funny stories and laugh louder. I have no idea what's going on in the inside, but from observing the outside, you'd never would be able to guess what had happened. His doctor gave up trying to make him quit drinking and instead gave him the advice to drink whiskey or scotch. If you're going to hit the hard stuff regularly, those are the best two options for you. Any clear liquor will rip your insides apart and give you massive hangovers. I think it's because the sugar content is higher but I'm not sure about that. I haven't really delved into the topic.

I was going to try to forget about this stuff before I got to work a block from my office, I saw a huge tom turkey just strutting down the sidewalk all puffed up. He was quite impressive. If I were a female turkey, I'd try to snag him.

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