Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Honey-do list, but there's no honey so it's more like me-do list.

The only bummer about living in Minneapolis is that is farther away from S.R. Harris than when I lived in St. Louis Park. I will be making yet another trip up there this evening for a few last minute things then it's on to scabbard-making. I might even throw in some sock-making but that all depends on time...and motivation. Right now it's easy to think about how I don't really need socks since it's summer but that one morning I have to walk through long grass covered in cold dew, I'll be wishing I had socks.

The lawn has to get mowed before these other fun activites take place so while I'm hoping we get enough rain to soak the ground so I don't have to water, I also want the grass to dry out enough so I can mow. Wow, can I be any more of a diva? Wait, diva's don't mow.

The reporting mechanism in the new financial system at my place of employment is finally up and running. It's not running at a full-out gallop but the canter is getting faster and faster every day. While I'm happy to finally know how much money we have or don't have, I'm not so happy at the prospect of spending after-work hours to figure that out. Functional financial system or not, deadlines are still deadlines.

I could go for a nice book right about now. Something that will be interesting, nay riveting, and able to be finished by Saturday. Any suggestions?


Ryan said...

I've always found the Dick & Jane novellas to be quick reads, but you really have to be in the mood.

Peggy Larson said...

Could you define this mood?

Ryan said...

It's different for everyone I suppose. For me it's an emergence from a sugar coma, or when I need something deeper than Hooked on Phonics.