Friday, August 1, 2008

Die Bunny Die!!

Last night while driving home from the airport, I had good ideas for a blog today but have now forgotten them all. Why can't we get to the point in technology where you can just hook your brain up to your computer and have your thoughts pop out on a blog? Let's get moving on this. I'm sure there would be no bad side effects as well as no adverse societal repercussions because of it, we're a very responsible society.

I'm getting waist-deep into the Medicaid stuff now and holy smokes can this stuff be confusing. Just when you think you have it figured out, you read ahead to another paragraph that seems to contradict everything. To circumvent all of this, sign up for long-term health care insurance now. Invest invest invest. Do something because you don't want to have to figure this shit out later on when you're decrepit and dispirited.

The fucking bunny has eaten his last peony. While watering this morning, I noticed that the two peonys I had transplanted are now completely gone. Gone in a way that the fucking bunny soon will be. A sling shot will be found along with a nice rock and away I'll go. That little fluffy fucker ate my white peony. It was the only white one I had. The white ones smell the best. Now he will have to pay with his life.

I have the always-present shit-load of stuff to do this weekend. House cleaning, bathroom repairing, garden weeding, lawn mowing, garb finding and repairing, trunk packing, car cleaning, window washing, mouse-hole covering, foam insulation spraying, food buying, and a nap somewhere in there. Fun will be had in attending a fringe show or two. I'd love it to be two but I'll have to review the budget. I also hope to find a good mood. I could use one and I'm sure the people around me agree. Oo! Oo! I want to see a movie too.

I can already feel my temper shortening so I had better go practice some deep breathing techniques before facing the public. Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Nixie said...

"little fluffy fucker "

ha ha ha ha ha.. my favorite!