Monday, August 18, 2008

We Interrupt You Now With.....

I tried to sit and work and do work. I really did. I didn’t succeed. My mind won’t stay on the task at hand. Instead, it keeps envisioning things like contraptions that encourage items to become airborne and that’s all I’m saying about that. Other memories from the weekend started to eek back into my mind as well. One in particular was a Come to Jesus moment. A performer I have looked to for years as if she were some type of spring of performing perfection became emotional over a situation that seemed to have no good resolution. That moment really drove home some of the reasons why the veteran veterans keep coming back, they really care about their patrons. They really want to make sure that people enjoy themselves properly (obnoxiousness and revelry could most definitely be proper). It’s not about how many people flirt with them in a day or if they get credit for an idea or if they think someone else may have spoken badly about them. They care about creating a good experience for their patrons. Not the patrons but their patrons.

While I was annoyed with the wine show situation, it hadn’t occurred to me to tear up about the possibility that someone may not have the best experience possible. I hadn’t reached that point in the customer service evolutionary process; the point of imagining that you’re a patron whose just had a horrible week, maybe your dog died or your spouse died and you want to go back to the place where a year ago you had a complete blast hoping to have another blast so that you can forget about things for a few hours but when you get there things just aren’t as exciting and so that’s one more thing that’s let you down. I hadn’t reached that point yet, but now I’m thinking about it more.

I said a million stupid things this weekend. Most of them I couldn’t believe actually fell out of my mouth. I said something stupid around the Mayor’s Entourage, the Muses, and the Queen to whom I’ve said and done so many stupid things for two years now that I don’t even bother slapping my forehead anymore, I just sigh and move on. The rest of the stuff I said to everyone else wasn’t necessarily stupid but was quite a change from what I said the years before. Just about everything had a sexual context and I swear to god I didn’t mean it to turn out that way, it just did. It was as if I hadn’t had any….um, never mind.

I’m going to try and go back to work again. That report isn’t going to run itself.

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