Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What Fresh Hell Is This?

I don't think my wine glasses made it in. I crafted a nifty little display to pimp the wine show on the TPT pledge drive last night and set it up in front of my little station but I don't think it ever made it on camera. I'll have to watch Thursday night when it's repeated. I did get one of the "talent" to call for tickets though. I can be pretty persuasive when I need to be.

While things were joyous and light-hearted on the outside last night in the studios, an undercurrent of darkness, oppression and forebodingness lurked across a majority of the computer screens in the form of.......Facebook. A soldier of misfortune sitting near me began the evildoings by "inviting" me to join. Yes join, join the ranks of the once innocent who are now slaves to flair and constant status updates. I'm very weak-willed so the enticement of the mini-feeds hit me like a freight train. Pledges be damned, I have to find friends and beg for their recognition while trying to decide upon leaving a comment or adding to their wall and my god what am I going to enter for my favorite book??!!! I no longer cared about the difference in seating between the $240-level Celtic Thunder tickets and the $360-level Celtic Thunder tickets, I needed to update my status to let the world know that Tina Turner was on and everything should come to a halt (in reverence of her Highness). The night became a blur of screen changes between profile-edit-profile-edit-profile-edit with an appearance in the form of an actual human coming over to tell me that I needed to update my flair and put it on my bulletin board - but it's a computer screen!!! There's no bulletin board!!...oh, there it is. Nevermind. Fuck livejournal, they don't have a bulletin board.

Excuse me, I have to go change my "famous quotes" section because I put really snarky stuff in there last night. Don't anyone read it until I'm finished. I'll poke you when I'm done.

P.S. Ralph Nader just added me as a friend so suck on that blogger!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you doing right now? about now? ....and now? .......?