Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A list of things for weekend 2

A brief synopsis of weekend 2's blunders:
  1. Used the word 'crap' extensively in a crafter's booth where (unbeknownst to me at the time) The Head Honcho was seated after being told by said Head Honcho to watch the mouth and make things more family-oriented.*
  2. Stammered over a particular sentence during Sunday's wine tasting that sounded good in my head but came out all bass-ackwards. After being given several re-tries by Linda I still continued to screw it up and called our guests liquor-heads.
  3. Forgot to file the notch in the sword where Missy places her hand which could lead to massive blood loss but could also increase our viewership (at the expense of Missy's hand which she probably won't agree to).
  4. Almost stole someone's bit during parade by using the "stick on a stick" thing but quickly abandoned the idea when I saw the originator of the idea in line with his stick on a stick (this one could be on the list below since it didn't come to fruition).
  5. Stepped in poison ivy in an attempt to bust through a stage show.

*In my defense, it was very dark back in the corner of the crafter's booth and Head Honcho was wearing sun glasses and who would wear sun glasses in a dark corner unless they didn't want to be seen in the first place??!!

Things that went pretty damn well for weekend 2:

  1. Busted through a stage show (hopefully they thought it was maybe-kinda-sorta-funny-in-a-way).
  2. Outsold the Queen's Tea and the Smoker although I didn't get a final count on the Smoker which could have overtaken our 42 people for wine on Sunday.
  3. Was able to pace myself better for both days and didn't ever really hit a lull or complete lack of energy at any point on either day (thanks to cold press coffee).
  4. Didn't drop my weapon during any of the fight scenes.
  5. Talked to millions (okay, hundreds) of people of which I enjoyed each and every conversation even if it was only a one-sentence exchange.
  6. Got to watch two masters at work as The Rat Catcher and The Jester went at it on Sunday.
  7. Laughed uproariously as La Batard's new character kicked people out at Saturday's closing gate.
  8. Didn't break anything.

Not bad for 20 hours.


Anonymous said...

Yourwordsmeanmuchtomeasitismygoaltomakepeoplesquealwithgleetilltheypuke. Now,getout.

Lord Thythtertinthonn

Peggy Larson said...
