Monday, August 4, 2008

Dibs on the nearest bed

Although the fluffy fucker still lives, the sling shot has been purchased (along with plenty of ammo) and is sitting next to the back screen door ready for action should the opportunity arise. It didn't arise all weekend. It's like he knows I have it. Scary.

The landscape is manicured and hopefully will remain so until Sept. 29th which is when I'll have time to get back to it. The windows were washed also so now I can see out of them as I fall asleep on my couch which was the fourth most common thing to happen over the weekend. The to-do list was pretty wiped out except for the mouse-hole covering with foam insulation and other implements of destruction. I also didn't paint the bathroom but I have it all prepped so the hardest part is done. Painting is easy. It's even enjoyable. I like watching color magically appear from my hand (okay, it's from the paint on the brush) and it's zen-like to see how close to the edge I can get without using painters tape. I'm really good at that.

I just sneezed while trying to put something in my mouth. It was part of a muffin. I thought I could beat the sneeze. Now I have muffin all over my keyboard.

Like I was trying to say earlier, plenty of work was done this weekend and in between time, plenty of sleep. I was tired by 8:00pm on Saturday and hauled my half-functioning body to bed at 9:30. Sunday, I completed the food-buying and screen-door-pricing before 11:00am but after putting food in it's rightful place, I fell asleep on the couch until 2:00pm. I better not be getting sick. I therefore did not attend any fringe shows or movies but did make it to IAGG although I started yawning before intermission and pretty much kept up through the end of the show. That's no reflection on the quality of the show because it was quite stellar. No surprises there.

I can't wait for summer to get here. A chance to relax, unwind, play, enjoy lazy afternoon's with nothi...wait, it's not 8:04am but 8/04? Fuck. Maybe next year.

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