Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hey Spellcheck, Stop Changing Improv to Improve

It's Wednesday, right? Am I right on that? I tend to lose track of days during the weeks now. It becomes just one long Monday until Saturday morning comes around again.

I'm taking the Performance Skills class/course/set of six classes thing from the lovely Ms. Leslie Kennedy which ends with a performance somewhere in the 7 county metro area of which I'm not prepared to tell you exactly where yet. It began last night with intro talking stuff and then some improv. I didn't get to stand up with a partner imagining we were lost in the desert running from aliens, instead I stood up with two other women and had to dance to something I hadn't heard before and concentrate on my face. I can report that while being a bit nerve-racking, it was fun. I thought dancing without choreography was called "winging it" but apparently the term improv is used throughout a multitude of art forms. So there you go. We had to do this twice during the night and on the second go-around, I found that I couldn't get myself out of the latin/conga groove I slipped into. This is what happens when you don't practice for over a month. I still have to get my hands on some Mylar so I can practice in the garage (my living room is too small).

Miss Busybody is leaving my financial team on Friday and today is her little "going away" gathering. I must say I'm quite excited. I get rid of someone who drives me crazy and I might get cake. Don't you wish that would happen more often?

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