Monday, November 3, 2008

"tis the season for goddamn holidays

One holiday weekend down, only three more to go before we can get back to planning for summer.

I was in costume the whole frickin' day on Friday from 6:00am until 9:30pm and I've never wanted to get make-up off of my face so badly. I was disappointed that barely anyone at the U had dressed up. I love dressing up as Miss Conception (the pregnant beauty queen from hell) because people have such a great initial reaction to it but trying to type with satin gloves on and work with a Barbie tiara digging into your head is difficult. I also had about three meetings to go to that day so I was walking across campus several times. I then also went out for lunch because while I remembered to walk out of the house with everything I needed for my night costume, I forgot to take my lunch. I wasn't ever nervous or self-conscious about being practically the only one in costume walking across campus, but it is difficult sometimes to keep a straight face when you see someone walking towards you who is slowly realizing what your costume is.

After work, I rushed out to St. Louis Park to join my friend's little production that she likes to put on for kiddies in the neighborhood. We haven't done that in a while because Halloween falling during the week is a pain in the ass. I did the quick-change from pregnant mess to somewhat put-together Elvira look-alike. Yes this was appropriate for kids because cleavage did NOT make an appearance that night and I don't have a southern accent. By 9:00pm I was pooped and my feet were killing me to the point where I was actually getting shooting pains through my feet when I would step in a certain way.

Saturday morning I woke up feeling like crap and figured I had spent a little too much time outside in a backless dress. Even though it was warm for October, it wasn't warm for a backless dress and I was chilled the rest of the day. Even though it was nice out, wait, was it nice out? I can't remember. Anyway, I repainted my bathroom and did all the other stuff you have to do when you repaint the bathroom which always includes caulking. I'm getting really good at this. It helps when you use the correct type. See, there's outdoor caulk and there's indoor caulk. If you use outdoor caulk on your bathtub, it'll crack. Just a little hint.

I made three trips out to Ridgedale to get liquid eyeliner (long story) and practice has now commenced. Painting black liquid lines on your eyelids is definitely something that requires practice. I'm not bad considering that I don't have the correct brush. It'll get better. Until then, my coworkers are going to have to put up with me possibly looking pretty frightening some days.

A recap of TV viewing: campaign ads, smearing campaign ads, another campaign ad; American Bellydancer which is a documentary of the "best" bellydancers on tour with Miles Copeland who seems to be the perfect example of the money-grubbing music exec trying to categorize or quantify middle eastern dancers as the best or not the best strictly on whether he likes to look at them or not; Caligula with Peter O'Toole and John Gielgud and I got it because Peter O'Toole and John Gielgud were in it and I figured "how could it be bad?" well, it'' crist you can get this thing on Netflix?!!; and finally, D.L. Hughley's show had one good episode, the first one, and now it sucks. It sucks so bad that it could suck a watermelon through a garden hose, that's right, the show could suck a watermelon through a garden hose. This show is horrible. Who did this to him? Who's responsible?

Time to make the donuts.

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