Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Finally Wednesday is here. This means that I can start the stuff for deviled eggs. The deviled eggs represent the blue-eyed devils that overtook this land and mass-murdered the occupants at the time. While the butter, onions and CELERY (that's right Ryan, celery) are sauteing, I can trim the foam insulate from around the front door. I could have done that last night but I was busy watching the finale of Dancing With The Stars.

I've got the alarm set so I can get up in time and be out of the shower before Alice's Restaurant is broadcast on KQRS. Sounds slightly anal-retentive, doesn't it? I may be very organized but I'm also capable of spontaneity. Like the time I BOO! ha, didn't see that coming did you.

Okay, so here's the annual list of stuff I'm thankful for:

1. Firemen and wind. Both of which without my house would have burned down when my neighbor's house mysteriously caught fire one night at 3am.

2. Paramedics, EMT's and the like all of whom have stretchers and straps to haul away unwilling participants even when it's for their own goddamn good.

3. My job which pays enough to cover expenses and the FUCKING PARKING TICKET I GOT YESTERDAY FOR PARKING WITHIN 30 FEET OF A STOP SIGN!!!!

4. Netflix which provides belly dancing documentaries; some good and some with Miles Copeland in them.

5. Arms and legs; I'm really glad I have all of mine and can use them appropriately.

6. The Cat who is by far the most efficient mouse-terminator I've ever seen in my life.

7. IAGG for not increasing their prices for, um, since inception so that I can afford to see good entertainment and am then reminded that laughing is really good for you.

8. Not-maxed-out credit cards so I can finally get some good footwear for fest this next year.

9. Living only three miles from work so I can walk and save gas in the car which I'm thankful has a big hide the bodies. Just seeing if you're paying attention.

10. The release of the Muppet Show seasons 1 - 3 so I can come up with good sketch ideas. Hopefully next year I'll be able to say that I'm thankful that Muppets Tonight was released.

11. To end on a mushy note, I'm thankful for all of the people in my life; the ones that I don't like because they make me face reality and the ones I do like because even though I live alone and am not officially "attached", I'm never truly alone.

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. See you in FIVE days! Woohoo!!!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

May you and your celery have a Happy Holiday.