Monday, November 10, 2008

My Nails are Hot Pink

This just in, Queen Elizabeth II is upset at a specially chosen composer (can't remember his name) for his choice in music for Prince Charles' 60th birthday. That man is never going to be king. He's already 60 for crying out loud. I wonder if there's any family tension there. What ever happened to the good old royal intrigue and killings? Has the increase in real-time media coverage put a stop to it? Maybe that and crime labs. Bummer.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, but I finished some christmas shopping this weekend. Actually, all of it. I know that I've already said that no one is getting anything, but timing is everything. See, because I'm paid bi-weekly, I get 26 paychecks in a year which means that 2 of them end up being "extra" paychecks. The usual monthly paychecks go towards mortgage (the first one of the month) and bills (the last one). Twice a year, I get an extra one that falls in between the two usuals. One of those times of the year is this month. It also happens to correspond to me finding some nice gift boxes at Penzy's Spices and then having a flash of creativity and finding other cheap stuff that'll make great gifts. So....I'm done.

In case you are now mad at me for having one of the biggest holiday pains in the ass completed, this next news bit will make you feel better. My vacuum broke. The wiring on the cord finally split and there's no hope because I'm not an electrician and because a cheap Dirt Devil is not worth finding an electrician for. My hand vac also broke. I need to correct that - my hand vac never worked so it' still broken. On Sunday when I tried to vacuum up all of the floating hair balls (both The Cat's and mine), I became enraged at the breakage and threw them both out the back door. That feels really good by the way. If you have an opportunity to do so, throw things out of your back door.

I took the lovely Miss Leslie Kennedy's Turkish dance workshop over the weekend and it was loads of fun. Not so much fun for the calves with all the hopping, but the floor work was great. I'm now into floor work. There's lots of fun, creative things to do on the floor. *snicker* The only thing about practicing floor stuff is that The Cat has to get in there every time. What is it about cats and their tails? They think their tails are the best thing to ever hit this earth. Have you noticed that? If you get your face down to within a foot of the floor, they'll run over and swish their tail in your face "Hey, while you're down here, look at my tail!"

Well, on to getting some work done. Bye.

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