Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hurry, Before I Lose You

Just a quick one this morning because I have no idea how long my internet connection will last.

Had a second turkey dinner last night with a set of uncle/aunt and mom because mom had her own turkey in the oven when she had to take the pile to the hospital on Thursday. Thus, left over turkey that hadn't been carved yet.

Watched The Departed last night and my crush on Mark Wahlberg is reignited. I'm going to petition Obama to pass a law that Marky Mark has to wear a hollister 24-7...and spew a litiny of profane insults at machine gun speed. Funny how cell phones have changed the face of the gangster movie. While I was watching it, I wasn't all too thrilled with it but when it was over, I decided it was really good. I don't know how that happened.

I'm determined to finish the costuming today so there will be glitter and sequins every where. I hope the cat doesn't digest anything. He's like a little vacuum. If he sees something on the floor, he'll stick it in his mouth first and then decide if he wants it there or not. He's still the best mouser in the universe so he can have his quirks.

The store clerk forgot to take the little ink-filled-alarm-registering thingy off of the shirt so now I have to go back to the frickin' MOA just to have it removed. I'm going to glare at her the entire time.

The cat is up on top of the kitchen cabinets staring at me. Quirky, and I'm okay with it.

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