Monday, December 1, 2008

Guard Your Decorations

Here we all are, back at where ever it was we were on Wednesday afternoon at 3:00pm when many statuses (stati?) on Facebook started to change to "GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE". My phone display shows the date right next to the time. I've glanced over twice already and thought it was lunchtime. What a let-down.

It's that time of year again, time for the holiday TPT Pledge Drive this Wednesday evening. These promos are a lot of fun. It's amazing how goofy one gets when half-dressed in renaissance a room filled with others half-dressed in renaissance garb. Nerdy? Yeah, maybe but we get free dinner and a chance to wear headsets. I believe our show this time is going to be some type of How-To-Spend-Your-Money-Wisely show. We'll of course be asking for that wisely-spent money during the breaks.

I have a dentist appointment today. I'm thinking of eating a pack of Oreos before heading in. Not because I want to be mean, but the hygienist commented last time that my teeth were very clean and she didn't really need to do anything. I'm going to have to get my money's worth so, Oreos or Butterfingers.

My sweet, adorable, loving little Cat kills anything with fur. This is usually a trait I encourage since he's the only one I want in the house with fur. I have a christmas tree that has fur though. It's one of those white plumage-type trees that I got at The Afternoon after the holidays. I've decided to give it a go and set it out on the kitchen table to see if it get's "killed". I'm wondering if it's just the sight of fur that enrages him or if he can discern inanimate objects covered in a fur-like material. I'll soon find out. Wouldn't that be hilarious to see a cat attack a tree?

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