Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The Thermos company makes really good thermoses. How do I know? I fell on mine twice this morning and it didn't even dent. I would have been here about 20 minutes earlier but it's a bit treacherous out there. Two miles into it, I decided to walk in the street instead and brave the half-awake driver. According to my calculations, the chance of being hit by a Honda is much less than the probability of me falling every two steps on the sidewalk. I have enough cush for either one, so ultimately I'll be okay.

The holiday season hasn't officially ended yet before the next season has started, that being........TAX SEASON!!! WOOHOO!! I just got my 1040 instructions in the mail yesterday. I'll have to check through that first-time home owners credit. I didn't get to take it last year because I hadn't bought my home after April 2007, I missed it by one month. I believe I can therefore go back to 2006 and amend. Boy, that'd be nice. There's this small detail about a credit being reduced by the economic stimulus payment I received. That'll definitely need more looking into. What ever I get back in refunds this year will have to be saved in the event that property taxes increase for me in July or thereabouts. I take one tax refund and put it toward another tax. I feel like throwing tea off of a boat somewhere.

Time to go read up on the hullabaloo over in the Middle East. I believe a weapon has been discharged in the area?

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