Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I had to wait a whole five and a half hours to write today because as soon as I got in, I was bombarded with transactions being made on wrong account numbers. While I was figuring out one problem and who was doing it, someone else was expensing something they shouldn't to somewhere they shouldn't. I feel like I'm chasing my tail.

Speaking of tails, I haven't seen the mouse back yet. Maybe The Cat did get him when I wasn't around. I think that may be the case because he's not camped out in front of the cupboard where the mouse was gracious enough to leave his droppings behind. If there's a mouse anywhere in the house, The Cat will plop himself directly in front of where the mouse actually is although the mouse is often not visible to human eyes. The Cat will proceed to not move an inch until he's captured said mouse. This morning, The Cat was not camped out but instead, under foot.

Speaking of feet, I didn't have to lift mine has high on the way home last night because most people had shoveled by then. There is one block along the river road where someone must own an industrial-sized snow blower or just like to walk and blow at the same time because the entire block had been cleared. Isn't that the nicest thing ever? I would LOVE it if someone would do that to my block. There were other blocks where no one had shoveled yet this morning and by now, lots of people have trampled across it so now the snow is really packed down. You know it's going to stay there the entire winter.

Speaking of winter, it's here.

Speaking of here, my lunch time is up so I have to go back to chasing my tail.

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