Friday, November 14, 2008


I can feel that today is one of those days where I have little to no patience. That's bad timing because I have two meetings and one college assembly over the lunch hour. I have no patience for bullshit and I have a feeling I'm going to be fed a lot of it today. I also have this sinking feeling that I forgot to turn my headlights off. At least I'll get more exercise walking back the eight blocks to my car. I'd rather have more exercise than a dead battery.

I got the same lovely letter from my county that Fitz got about taxes and I'm not trying to copy him, but I definitely share that same feeling of anger. At least it wasn't like last year's letter that told me there were still back taxes on the property that needed to be cleared up from the previous owner. My taxes are increasing 1.3%. Luckily I'll get a 3% salary increase in June which will net things out to 1.7% overall which is lower than the 4.something% the U of M's union was striking for last year when Obama came through town and wrote a letter to President Bruininks about how unfair he was. I wonder if Obama will blow through town again and write a letter to Hennepin county for me? I don't see that coming. I'll have to take another look at the line items but last night I seem to remember seeing that specifics such as sewer and garbage were decreasing. So it may be that my property taxes will be going more for things that aren't related to my property.

Hmph. At least I have a house and the furnace works...and I can still afford Netflix...which reminds me!....Casino Royale kind of sucks. I was bored to tears. Why were Daniel Craigs' eyes digitized so much? Okay they're blue, we get it. I don't need bright blue laser beams emitting from my television screen. They were scaring The Cat.

Off to other things. Have a good weekend.

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