Friday, November 21, 2008

Dear Days...

Okay Friday, you better be good to me. I've worked really hard and have accepted all the crap your cronies have thrown at me, especially Tuesday, that little bitch. Tuesday was very mean and I want you to kick her ass. I expect you to be very pleasing tonight and to know exactly what I'll need to relax and then go tell Saturday to stretch out because I have a lot of things to do. Sunday is already in my good graces since he'll have the last IAGG for the year, he doesn't need to do much more than that to make me happy.

Listen Friday, I'm not done with you yet. What's with your drunk uncles November and December? Did they really have to put their holidays at their ends? Why don't they stick them up front where we can get them over with? And what's with December thinking he can stick christmas on a Thursday? Thursday??!! I love Thursday. Why does he have to soil Thursday with his stupid holiday? Does December realize that business communication will come to a halt now for his bottom half? If I try to get any answers out of anyone on the 16th, they may respond with "I'll get back to you by the 18th" but really they won't because the stupid office party will be on the 19th for which they have to start getting ready for on the 18th and then the 22nd and 23rd will be "call it in" days because what can you accomplish in two days? and then nothing will end up being completed until 2009. Your uncle's an asshole.

I have to go now because while you may be promising nice things at your end, you're demanding action on my part before I can get to it. Tease.


Ryan said...

I can't believe you left out the kids "Late Afternoon" and "Early Evening". I for one hate rush hour traffic and people buying up groceries like next week will never come again. That will ruin any day.

Peggy Larson said...

I'm not much of a 'kid' person.