Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Turn the Radio Off, Just Use Your iPod

Another day, It's Wednesday right? Yes, I just checked. I forgot what day it was yesterday too. When tomorrow comes, I'll be thinking "Gee, where did the week go?"

Mom got dad into the nursing home again on a short-term stay so far. Hopefully that'll turn into long-term. I think there's a good chance for that. He's been getting weaker quickly and has been having more small strokes more often. His mind is pretty much completely shot. He doesn't make any sense when he talks but instead of being a sweet, confused old man he's a mean, confused old man. That's unfortunate. That means that no one wants him around. The end of his life, which is now, is going to be difficult for him and everyone around him. Oh well.

If you haven't discovered it yet, you may want to brace yourself. Christmas music has begun on the two twin cities stations that must be owned by satan. There should be a law that nothing related to the holiday season can begin until after Thanksgiving. The exception would be the BNW's holiday show. Everyone should see that regularly. It'll help, trust me.

I'm sorely lacking in the writing-capabilities category today. I'll work on that tonight. the paperwork.

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