Friday, July 25, 2008

Yay Friday

My creative powers were not needed yesterday; instead, my persuasive powers saved the day and got this poor (literally) grad student's id# to work so she can get her reimbursements. Ah, one thing accomplished. Yay. I can also report that it is very humid out because my hair is very frizzy and Queen Elizabeth II is pregnant again...according to The Onion.

I left work yesterday with a pounding headache and without any hope for anything to ever turn out well again but a little fighting took care of that. I mean practicing swinging swords at friends. It's very good therapy. We didn't have a very intense practice but it was enough to get me to sweat and therefore feel better. Don't you always feel better after sweating? Okay, don't you sometimes feel better after sweating? I do.

I forgot my cell phone at home today. Can Freudian slips apply to things like forgetting items on purpose or does it only apply to speech? I really did forget it but it's also kind of nice to have forgotten it. That damn phone.

I'm thinking about going to see Dark Knight tonight. I haven't seen a movie outside of my living room for some time now. If you're going to fork out the dough to see a movie in the theater, it should be one like Dark Knight to get the feel of the bat mobile landing in your lap.

I'm off now to use my powers of my plebeian status to make the bourgeoisie feel guilty about demanding reimbursements before the downtrodden students get theirs by doling out rewards to those I feel are less fortunate and more deserving based on my perceptions of how much money people make and relate that directly to how much they "need" their reimbursements. What? Whatever. I think I'm having stress aftershocks. Happy Friday!

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