Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Do Not Shake Before Drinking

It's only been five minutes that I've been at work and already I have two coffee stains on my shirt. I hate that when you get an iced mocha and try to swirl it around in the cup, that it sometimes leaks. In light of this catastrophe, I'm renaming today Slob Day so that I fit in.

I have all of my bills, explanation of benefits, and dental plan summary in hand and am ready to call Delta Dental to politely point out how they mistakenly didn't cover enough of my non-optional procedure. As hard as it is sometimes, you get waaaaaaay farther with billing people if you remain calm and nice than if you lose your temper. Adults don't like to be yelled at and as soon as the yelling starts, the listening stops. Sometimes I forget that.

I'm getting too used to short work weeks because it's only Wednesday and already I can hardly wait for the weekend to get here which, thanks to a holiday, is only 32.5 hours away. I don't have anything special planned and that's exactly why I'm excited. There are no expectations, I don't have to be anywhere at any time, I don't have to be prepared, I don't even have to take a shower if I don't want to although I will because I'm very sensitive to smelly people including myself. Actually, a good reason to take a shower is because I'm going to try the part-time job hunt again. Maybe now the lazy students that took all the good part time positions in the late spring/early summer will have quit so that there's room for me.

I think a mouse may have found it's way back into my house again last night because The Cat was on vigil near the furnace room door. I didn't see any carcasses or hear any squeaking but if he's there, I have faith that my little killer will get him.

On that upnote, I'll end for now.

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