Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pool party on my deck - $35 cover charge

I'm happy to report that Delta Force Cat didn't eat the mouse on my bed. Actually, I don't know where he ate it, there is no evidence that mouse ever existed. Quick and efficient, that's my little killer! Now if I could get him to take that rabbit down in the back yard, his warrior-ness would be assured. I don't want him outside though. I'd never get him back in. I'll have to use a sling shot on that poor bunny. If the poor bunny would only leave my vegetation alone he'd be allowed to stay.

I got a parking ticket yesterday for not plugging the meter fast enough. I knew I was taking a chance because I only had enough for one hour but needed to stay for 1 1/2 hours. I weighed the risks assuming the potential ticket wouldn't be over $20. I missed the meter maid by 18 minutes and my reward was a $35 ticket courtesy of the Mpls Park & Rec Board. Now I know how they can afford the $50K water fountains. I wish I would have just not plugged it at all since I always need quarters but never seem to have any. How am I going to buy ice cream from the vending machine now? Dammit.

I'm going to buy a kiddie pool after work today so I can fill it up on my deck this weekend and soak while holding a fruity drink and wearing sunglasses. It'll be the perfect humidity breaker.

Time for coffee.

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