Thursday, July 3, 2008


In celebration of the upcoming holiday, I've just eaten ice cream for lunch. Another reason for breaking the traditional lunch menu rules is because I woke up in a bad mood. I hate waking up in a bad mood. Then again, if I liked it, it wouldn't be a bad mood.

I don't know how these things manage to sneak up on me so much, but I kind of forgot about this holiday. I've known that I had a four-day work week this week, but that's as far as my thinking went; that I'll have to squeeze everything into four days. I did venture a thought or two about how it'll be nice to not have anything to do, but now that the time is upon me, it's not so nice. I don't know what I'm going to do for three days.

I've spent so much time practicing, rehearsing, and going to an occasional show or two, that I've managed to lose touch with some friends. There was a group of us who all lived in St. Louis Park and hung out all the time. In the last six months, one couple has decided to get a divorce which has turned ugly, I got into an argument with another friend and haven't heard from her for awhile, and I don't really know what the hell happened to the other couple. We've always all gotten together over Memorial Day weekend and 4th of July. Especially the 4th because two of the couples lived right next to the park in St. Louis Park where they shoot off the fireworks.

I saw my neighbor putting the canoe on top of the car last night and it reminded me of when I was young and my family would always go camping. One year, my dad made a huge movie screen out of 4x4's and a white sheet. I don't remember the movies we watched because I fell asleep five minutes into the first one, but I think there were swords involved.

My mom dropped in last Sunday unannounced (my least favorite type of drop-in), so I've gotten the family visit out of the way. Cleaning the garage is still on the list of things to do and since the temps will be lower than 90, I'll be able to stand in my garage without fainting. That's something to look forward to.

Even if nothing earth-shattering happens over the weekend, it'll still be very nice to get away from the work environment. Things have gotten to the point where communication is breaking down, my co-workers and I don't get updates so we really don't know what's going on which makes it impossible to plan for the future and also makes us snip at each other. We're starting to argue over stupid procedural issues like what documentation goes with what and how long to save it and how to file and what signatures to get. It's really stupid stuff to argue over but it's not really the stuff, it's that we're defensive. We feel like others think we don't know how to do our jobs. I've lost faith in my superiors which really sucks because you need someone to look up to. I can also feel myself becoming more paranoid. I mistake a facial gesture or sentence to mean something it really doesn't.

A nice fire in the backyard where my lilies are blooming should help. My lilies are fucking beautiful. They're a shade of pinkish-lavender. If you're in the neighborhood, stop in. I have brats. I don't have buns though. Bring buns.

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