Thursday, July 10, 2008

No Clever Title Today

I can save you from either wasting money on a bad rental or wasting a Netflix queue spot by choosing Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. That movie sucks. It was even more disappointing because Clint Eastwood directed it which gave me high hopes to begin with. They were quickly dashed. I'll try to redeem my faith in movies by watching Eastern Promises tonight. At the very least, there should be some good tattoo work in it. Aren't Russian prisons known for their tattoo work? Thought so.

With the upcoming RNC, I am planning my protest on protesting the use of taxpayer dollars on extra policing of protesters. I'm all for voicing your opinion but why do you have to do it in a way that requires a police officer to have to pay attention to what you're doing? If you want people to pay attention to you, get Madonna to use the powers of Kabbalah to lure you away your current situation and you'll be all over the media.

I haven't been swimming yet this summer. What the hell's wrong with me? I'll have to change that this weekend. Don't attempt to follow me though, I've gained weight over the last four weeks and I currently have a bad body image. If I see you looking at me, I'll scratch your eyes out.

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