Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday already??

I hate talking about politics but I'm just going to say that if I hear that stupid hockey mom lipstick "joke" again, I'm going to punch the nearest human being. You know what else is different between pitbulls and hockey mom's? Pitbulls don't hang out at the hotel pool getting drunk while their little shits run around the hallways leaning over the railings spitting down on the front desk clerks. That's another big difference.

So the 11th cycle of America's Next Top Model started last night and like a mindless drone, I tuned in. There is an interviewing process in the beginning to whittle the 30-some contestants down to 20 first before ending at the final 13. It's apparent that the hopeful models complete a bio before they are interviewed unless Tyra has garnered the powers of clairvoyance in which case she could claim the $2 million dollar James Randi prize. Tyra loves to bring up the obscure little fact, or even better the most painful little fact on the bio and make the hopeful model pour her guts out or defend herself. One of last night's tests was with a model who had just graduated from Harvard with a degree in English Literature. Tyra decides to barrage her with a list of strong women characters in English literature while the model poses as if she was that character. Let's review; Tyra has a list of strong women characters which she recites at lightning speed while the poor nervous wreck of a hopeful model tries to catch up and follow along. The model is left looking like she knows nothing about her own degree while Tyra sits with a self-righteous glow after defeating the educated woman with help from her staff whom she's probably had google a list of strong women characters in English literature before the interview began. Go Tyra.

Let's see, what else can I pick on today? I could pick on my cat, he fell off of the table this morning.

Tonight will be landscape night as I try to mow the lawn and pull the weeds that have overtaken my sidewalk. I was just offered a ton of day lilies from a co-worker. My plan is to fill in the small strips of ground in back of the garage and the north side of the house so I don't have the burden of remembering to mow them. I always forget. I will work hard tonight so I can be lazy in the future. I like being lazy. It's relaxing.

My mother might be coming out to fest on Saturday and she'll want to see the wine show. I apologize now for the complete wreck I'll be on Saturday until she leaves. My brow is furrowing just thinking about it.

That is all.

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