Monday, September 8, 2008

Hump Weekend

I'm over the hump now, it's all downhill from here. This last weekend was the midpoint of the season, kind of like Wednesdays are for the week. Friday night I was thinking about how nice it would be to sleep in a little, wear fuzzy pj's and watch a movie. Boy am I glad I didn't go that route.

There's a new choreography added to the opening gate songs. At the point where there's the instrumental section, the "band" has started raising their hands to the beat and then waving them in the air. I realize that this does not sound all that exciting but when you put the movements to the music and add the rest of the cast up on the bridge and performers scattered in the audience to it, it becomes a "Radio Ga-Ga" moment from an '80's Queen concert. If you were to replace people with muppets at an '80's Queen concert complete with the muppet sway and muppet wild-abandon glee, then you'd have the new opening gate sequence. I was standing in the middle of it at one point and it made me so giddy I started giggling and couldn't stop.

My mom came to the wine show on Saturday and I originally thought I was going to be okay with it but I ended up preoccupied the entire show with keeping tabs on where she was and if her stupid camera was up to her face. It made me edgy. Luckily, we had a great audience on both days that contained willing participants for Tawn's whipping segment. I'm always amazed at what women are willing to put in their mouths for a man who's holding a whip.

Mom then went down and took in a viewing of my fight scene. Jib, the pirate, started talking to her before things started and apparently my mom is now employing the hard sell in an attempt to get me hitched. Jib told her that he's my sometimes-boyfriend (don't worry, I'll get him for that) which was the only prompt she needed to launch into an infomercial on some of my finer points like how nice and caring and thoughtful I am...I have no idea where she's getting this crap, she must be desperate for more grandkids.

Both days were once again filled with tons of wonderful moments with patrons and sometimes I'm so frickin' happy to be out there that I think I'm going to explode...or tackle someone...which happened. I'm spending the week practicing my patented figure-four-leg-lock-toe-bite move then no one's getting out alive. All I need is a top rope and a manager to throw over it. Then I'll need to pick my entrance song, maybe Elton John's "The Bitch is Back"...'cause I'm better than you.

During the drive home on Sunday, while waving my arms in the air like a muppet (it's very addictive), I decided that tying on shoes that hurt my feet and putting on bloomers with holes in them is way better than watching a movie in fuzzy pjs. Most Wednesdays don't end like that.

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