Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Last Hurrah...I mean Huzzah

Ceeeeehrist I cannot get out of here fast enough. We're still swimming in a sea of confusion and ever increasing resentment. People that are not directly tied to the new financial system are now declaring that two and a half months of dysfunction is long enough and things should now be fixed. That would be lovely if things could turn out like that but problems stay problems until they're fixed. Problems can't tell time.

I found a nice deal at Coffman for lunch. There's a Boston Market-type place where you can get a big meal for $6. That makes it worth the walk from my office to Coffman which only takes five minutes during the summer but then takes 10 during the academic year. I'm a fast walker. This has been commented on extensively by friends, family and enemies. I can't help it. I'm trying to get somewhere, hence the walking. Just get the hell out of my way and we'll all be happy.

Well this is it. The final weekend. Where'd the time go? It seems like I've just found my groove and now it's ending. My body is very happy for this though. I need some frickin' rest. Just three days and one morning Roto-rooter appointment and I'll be in the clear. While there are a number of things that could be checked on in my house to make sure they're all fine and dandy, I decided the sewer line is the one I'd least like to have suddenly go on me. If the heat goes out, I can still smell pretty.

I'm taking next week off for vacation. I haven't had one of those since I tried to take some time off around the holidays last year and ended up being more stressed out because everyone knew that I was off of work and therefore should do what they needed me to do. None of that this next week. You're allowed to call but only to talk about fun stuff. The nails will be the first things to get done....wait, the second. The lawn has to get done first and there's no sense in doing nails when you have to then do landscaping. I even have the color picked out. It's Romeo and Joliet from OPI's Chicago line (Get it? Joliet as in the prison). I have it sitting out so I can stare and whine like a dog looking at a treat.

I'm also going to work on getting off of coffee and back to eating veggies. My eating habits over the last eight weeks have gone in the crapper. Thank goodness Anj makes such great stuff at the Guard Camp or else I would have nothing nutritional for meals.

I have no idea how this weekend will go, which is wonderful, and I'm actually getting those butterflies back in my stomach. I'll see you sometime in the future.

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