Friday, September 12, 2008

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

Friday...woot. My cabana boy didn't show up for my margarita and massage session - wait, I didn't make the appointment - wait, I don't have a cabana boy. Shit.

I've just now thought about how I'd like to change my garb up a bit. Why can't I think of this crap on Mondays? Good thing I have a new sewing machine. Oop, just thought of a way to reinforce the scabbard too. That'll take two second with the new sewing machine. Those people that really do want to live back in the renaissance period are crazy, there's no way I'm giving up my sewing machine or shower or bagel slicer or Scrubs. I hope Jake the Gong Farmer is replacing the glass he accidentally busted last weekend because I never got around to buying another one. While replacing those glasses is a pain, it was absolutely hilarious watching a panic-stricken Jake run across the grounds with a glass still filled with "wine" but busted on the bottom. He was in an pretty good run too, knees up and everything.

I'm getting to that time of the year when I start thinking about changing everything. I want to rearrange my living room, get a new TV, change the small bedroom, build a practice space in the garage, change desks, change jobs, walk a new route to work, change change change. I need something different. I think I'll start by changing my screen saver. Finding the perfect image could take hours. That's how I'd prefer to spend my Friday rather than fixing all the stupid problems I've been fixing for people all week just to have them turn around and demand something else only this time faster. It always makes me grin and shake my head a little when I hear someone around here say they NEED something right away. It's an academic institution and while I believe that education and research are extremely important, they're not life-threatening and therefore nothing NEEDS to get done RIGHT NOW. There are very few things people need in life but lots of things we want. Speaking of which, if I don't stop fooling around and get to work finding what they NEED, then I'm going to need to find alternate means of covering the mortgage.

1 comment:

Jorge said...
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