Friday, September 5, 2008


I hate talking about politics so thank goodness that BLADE RUNNER WAS ON LAST NIGHT!!! Woohoo! I was all set to do my civic duty and listen to the presidential candidate but, sorry, Blade Runner was on. You understand, don't you?

It's too bad I didn't listen to the speeches last night because now I don't have much to write about. In fact, I'm kind of bored. The boredom has turned me into a lazy speller too, I just had to go up and correct the word 'speeches' in the first sentence because I forgot the 'e' at the end.

Summer has officially ended because Caribou is now offering it's pumpkin drinks. I also saw a holiday commercial last week. I can't remember what store it was for but there were definite snow flakes across the screen and jingle bells for music. For the third year in a row, the budget remains tight so this year, you'd be best off to expect a hearty handshake and a pat on the back from me. All the intentions are still there, there's just no wrapping paper. I guess I could wrap my hand.

Wow, I am bored. I'm getting absolutely nothing out of this coffee. I hope I haven't reached some type of plateau where I'll either need to drink more or stop entirely. But pumpkin season is here, how can I stop now? It can't be done.

Hopefully something inspiring will come to me later today because right now....nothing.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Blade Runner!!!
I watched it too...that is a civic duty of some kind I'm sure.