Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Uncomfortably Numb

Yesterday was filled with too many near-misses and some dead-on misses. I got to duck out of work early but it was for a dentist appointment so it's not like it was a holiday. I had to get a filling replaced. The dentist had to shoot me up three times...with Novocaine. When my lip wasn't numb after the first four minutes, they decided they better be sure so they hit me up again and waited another five minutes. I could tell that part of the inside of my mouth was numb but my lip wasn't numb yet. They went ahead and started drilling anyways. Everything was okay for the first few seconds but then he hit a nerve and my torso just about went through the overhead light. It was like a combo of a punch in the face while holding my finger in a light socket, except all concentrated in my tooth.

After the dentist got his blood pressure back down to normal, he hit me up a third time with something they referred to as "PM" which they assured me would take affect immediately. I was wondering why they hadn't used that to begin with but my mouth was full of cotton, a plastic square, a vacuum and the dentist's fingers so I couldn't voice my question. It's probably too expensive to be using frivolously. I could barely bite down on it the rest of the day and it actually still hurts this morning. I got home early and had some time before fight practice so I chilled on the couch with my jaw pulsing so I grabbed my new best friend, Advil.

Advil did the trick well enough so that I could concentrate at practice and even come up with some good lines to go along with the choreography. Towards the end of the session, I started to lose focus and swiped the blade too close to her eyes. No good. No good at all. We called it a night while we both had two eyes because I'm sure if I had managed to take one of hers, she would have removed one of mine in return.

I then headed out to MNCS at The Beat coffee house to witness Jenzie's first time up at stand-up. She didn't seem nervous, in fact she was the same on stage as she is when she's talking to you on the street. She had a pretty short slot so hopefully she'll be able to do a bit more in the future. I have to say, I felt pretty old sitting in that theater surrounded by all of those teenagers. I was sitting behind the row of parents who had come out to support their kids performing that night. It made me really wish I had known of those types of places when I was a teenager. I wonder how I would have turned out? *shudder* The last comic of the night used profanity quite liberally in his set and also made a reference to racist Oregonians (not that all Oregonians are racist, he was referring to racists who happen to live in Oregon) which I thought was pretty clever but the parents didn't approve. They made the occasional parental headshake which indicates that you're in big trouble now mister. That made me feel young again. At least I can still understand the youngin's.

As a public service announcement, I'd like to remind you that TPT channel 13 is airing a Stevie Ray Vaughan special starting at 8:30pm tonight. If you feel like missing it, you just don't understand good guitar playing. I weep for you.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't nervous? you have to be kidding me... I guess I DO have acting skills. :)

Thank you for coming out. It meant a lot to me.

Peggy Larson said...

You're welcome!!! I forgot to mention how your hair looked hot blowing in the fan like that.