Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Anything to get away from not doing what I have to

I think there may actually be some real heat coming our way. I've got to get to Target and buy that kiddie pool.

Does anyone know if you absolutely have to dig up gladiolus bulbs in the fall or can they stay in the ground permanently? The package said I should dig them up but there's 30 of them, I'm lazy, I don't want to...can I get out of it?

Does anyone know of a good house painter? I want to hire someone to restain my house in the fall because I want it done well therefore I'm taking myself off of the list of painters.

Does anyone know where I can get some more cash to pay for a house painter in the fall?

I wonder what would happen to the economy if Caribou were to offer free drinks all day. Productivity would increase but resources would be diminished at the same time...it's a crap shoot.

Is it really expensive to get lasers installed around your windows? I want to keep my windows open all the time during the summer but I don't want uninvited people inside my abode. I figured laser beams would discourage them from entry.

Avoidance is an art form and I have mastered it.

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