Wednesday, June 18, 2008

AFI is just plain wrong

Don't you hate it when you just can't get over something? This "thing" has been nagging me now for a month and just when I think I'm done with it...BAM! it comes back. I hate that. I also hate the fact that nail polish chips. I pay $6 for some top notch stuff and it just chips off after a few days. I suppose I could try to do nothing with my hands but then how would I pay the mortgage?

I read through some of the AFI's top 10 movies for a few categories. I disagree with several. They've listed 2001: A Space Odyssey as #1 for Scifi. While that is a good movie to watch while your high and if you've lost your copy of Pink Floyd's The Wall, I don't think it should be #1, Alien should be #1 with Blade Runner as a close second. Both of these movies were real enough for you to imagine that those environments could be possible along with raising some great scifi questions like what's expendable and what's not, is it ethical to shoot someone in the back even though their not human yet they have human-like traits, should quarantine policies always be followed, stuff like that. I'll allow 2001 to be in the top 10, just not so close to the top. I also don't think E.T. should be considered a SciFi film. It has no scientific conflict, just a cute/ugly thing that tried to get back home. Solyent Green should have taken E.T.'s spot on the list.

AFI listed Raging Bull as the best sports movie but here I also disagree. Rocky is the best because of it's gritty realism and because Rocky didn't win. If Rocky would have won, that movie would have sucked because it would be just one more Hollywood lie about life. You don't always win. Rocky also has one of the best love scenes ever. The first kiss between Adrian and Rocky is so excruciatingly slow to arrive, you can feel Adrian's complete unwillingness to give in until the last possible moment. It's wonderful.

The Searchers is considered the best western, which may have some merit so I'll have to check it out, but until then, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is my favorite. It has great dialogue. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly wasn't on the list as I think it should be but I could see where it may be missed due to the fact that the movie is TOO DAMN LONG. Even I can't cuddle on the couch that long.

Annie Hall was listed in the romantic comedies and while I hate Diane Keaton, I had forgotten about one of the funniest lines ever delivered by Woody Allen, "My grandma didn't give gifts, she was too busy being raped by the Cossacks." Yes, this line is funny. Watch it in the movie. If you've just wrinkled your nose in disgust at that sentence, then you probably won't ever want to meet me in person. No, I don't think the act of rape is funny...wait, I've covered this before. Good thing I'm not running for public office. There are so many reasons why it's good that I'm not running for public office.

Anyhoo, it's a beautiful day. Go to the rose gardens at Lake Harriet. It'll be good for you.

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