Thursday, June 26, 2008


I have to come up with a new sleeping plan. It's no longer enough to just close my eyes and remain still. I love having my windows open but it doesn't do any good if there isn't any breeze or if your neighbors come home at 1:30am and bring a herd of elephants with them.

I had troubles sleeping again last night and it may be part due to the coffee I consumed at 5:00pm. On the good side, it was the best iced mocha ever made in the universe; on the bad side, I believe it played a part in keeping me awake. I drank it in the first place because I yawned four times within fifteen minutes before my fight practice. Since I prefer to be alert during those types of activities, I purchased the caffeine. I can now feel myself within the grips of an addictive spiral which requires me to have coffee to stay awake but I don't get to control how long that is so I don't sleep when I want to and get tired when I don't want to after which I need coffee to wake me back up again and...see the quandary? If that's the only thing I have to complain about then I'm doing pretty good.

I could complain about more but then I would just have to remind myself to not get caught up in other people's stress that they've created for themselves that really doesn't have anything to do with me. The thing about jobs is to keep in mind that if something doesn't get done, it's not the end of the world. I forget that sometimes and then various work-related items creep into my mind at night also preventing me from sleeping.

What's great about today is that it's my Friday. Woo hoo. I have to take my personal day before June 30th or it's taken away from me so...if I have to, I have to...or the world will end.

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