Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Now Playing....

Did you know that the first alien body was unearthed in 17th century Ireland by two body snatchers? You would if you've seen "I Sell the Dead". It's too bad that cool movies like this don't get wider exposure. Or at least wide enough so that I'm learn of their existence sooner.

I'm not sure what kind of statement it makes about society that movies can be so influential. My mother grew up in the 40's & 50's when Katharine Hepburn was popular. My mother's senior picture sports a Hepburn 'do and I think she really believed that Katharine wouldn't lie to her about how life would turn out just like her movies, if you watched them often enough.

I personally would still be struggling with necklines on sweatshirts if it wasn't for "Flashdance". Boy, was that liberating for my un-effeminately large trapezius muscles. I also wouldn't have the faintest idea how to change into a space suit in a tightly enclosed area with a potential danger lurking outside if it wasn't for Sigourney Weaver. I pity the generations of women who've grown up not knowing how to slide themselves down a door jam to prolong that first kiss from a first-loser/then-winner/then-winner-again/then-one-more-time-winner-again/then-ugh-winner/then-whocares boxer. And I can't believe any woman who grew up in '80's would name her daughter Jenna.

I'm not dumb enough though for a second to believe that a group of scab football players would do the Electric Slide while incarcerated.

Excuse me, I have to go let some geek borrow my underwear for 10 minutes afterwhich I plan on making out with Mr. TallDarkandHandsome over a cake.

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