Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Now Playing....

Did you know that the first alien body was unearthed in 17th century Ireland by two body snatchers? You would if you've seen "I Sell the Dead". It's too bad that cool movies like this don't get wider exposure. Or at least wide enough so that I'm learn of their existence sooner.

I'm not sure what kind of statement it makes about society that movies can be so influential. My mother grew up in the 40's & 50's when Katharine Hepburn was popular. My mother's senior picture sports a Hepburn 'do and I think she really believed that Katharine wouldn't lie to her about how life would turn out just like her movies, if you watched them often enough.

I personally would still be struggling with necklines on sweatshirts if it wasn't for "Flashdance". Boy, was that liberating for my un-effeminately large trapezius muscles. I also wouldn't have the faintest idea how to change into a space suit in a tightly enclosed area with a potential danger lurking outside if it wasn't for Sigourney Weaver. I pity the generations of women who've grown up not knowing how to slide themselves down a door jam to prolong that first kiss from a first-loser/then-winner/then-winner-again/then-one-more-time-winner-again/then-ugh-winner/then-whocares boxer. And I can't believe any woman who grew up in '80's would name her daughter Jenna.

I'm not dumb enough though for a second to believe that a group of scab football players would do the Electric Slide while incarcerated.

Excuse me, I have to go let some geek borrow my underwear for 10 minutes afterwhich I plan on making out with Mr. TallDarkandHandsome over a cake.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Mid(end)summer night's eve...

I only have two weeks left of summer. Disambigually speaking, there's 47 days left. In the fashion world, autumn has already begun.

I'm claiming two weeks left of summer because in 13 days the MN Renaissance Festival begins and then I enter that black-hole period where the temperature waivers between sweltering and freezing with maybe two days of pleasantness, I enter my house to only take my clothes off, throw them in the washer, get myself in the shower, then bed, then up, then out the door and repeat. I successfully manage to burn myself no matter how much sunscreen I put on and I question my motives and choices every seven minutes. When it's over, it's time for the first snow fall and week 4 of football. I've done this for twelve years. I think I would have led an extremely boring life if I hadn't have done this for twelve years.

If I hadn't have done this for twelve years, my fence would be complete (including stain) and my gardens would be properly weeded. I would have gotten to that three-season padio construction I've been drawing out on notebook paper for years. I would have a clean garge and a lot more football stats committed to memory.

But since I have been doing this for twelve years, I have piles of paper filled with ideas, lists, paragraphs, stories and articles laying around everywhere; scraps of material and patterns stuffed into closets and drawers; a sword and whip just laying around in my unclean garage; another sword on my wall and three more laying on my china cabinet; the ability to articulate what makes me hurt and what will probably make others laugh and those usually aren't the same things; an appreciation for how what doing what you love doesn't mean you have to make money at it to make it important to you; the ability to pen incredibly long sentences; and most importantly, I have a host of incredible personalities in my life that makes me want to get up in the morning and keep going.

Thirteen days is plenty of time to finish a hat, oil boots and get one more kayak trip in, right?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hurry up and finish.

After sitting here for several minutes, I have decided to challenge myself again with the task of writing what comes to mind without going back to edit. I would like you to know how extremely difficult this is for me.

If I could have a spell-check or thesaurus implanted in my brain, I would totally do it. I just broke my own rule there by going back to correct "brian from "brain". See? This is hard.

Okay, so today's top ic is.....umm......accomplishments. As in, finishing one thought at a time. Well, it also includes finishing that emial I've been meaning to send to that certain unnamed pain-in-the-ass central unit which almost cost me $99,502 in uncollectable expenses. It's great and all to have a University that has no many different fields to offer a student and a community, but it's also a complete pain in the ass to tyr to have said University function in a cohesive manner. You wouldn't believe the amount of rules there are with research funding. I feel fortunate that I don't need to document the amount of times I....ugh....interrupted by the co-=workers phone "ringing" with the ringtone of crickets. It's almost as annoying as her laugh.

Oops, I've gotten off=topic. I wish I would have practiced the location of the '0', I mean '-' key in typing class in ghigh school more. THen that last reference to off-topic would have been much neater. Wow, this is hard.

Where was I? Oh heah, accomplishments. This is starting to rmind me of that muppet scketch where Fozzie is typing the script on a broken typewriter and Kermit doesn't have time to proof-0fread before he goes on stage. It's a cute little bit.

My accomplishments lately include the starting of several projects. My next set of accomplishments will be to finish those projects. It's all in the wording, you can make anything sound good if you put a little effort into it.

My final accomplishment for this session will be to end this mess of a post and get back to work and finish the exectuive team reports which will be edited and re-"finished" several times before next week's meeting. Who invetnted the work 'accomplishments' anyway? What an idtio.